
Red Shadow, Art Salon
25 November 2014, Singapore
25 November 2014, Singapore

Zentai Butoh
27 June 2014: Japanese Cemetery
27 June 2014: Japanese Cemetery

:12 June 2014, 7pm-10pm: Life Circuit: Featuring Urich Lau (Singapore) together with Kai Lam (Singapore) and Yuzuru Maeda (Japan).
:12 June 2014, 7pm-10pm: Life Circuit: Featuring Urich Lau (Singapore) together with Kai Lam (Singapore) and Yuzuru Maeda (Japan).

8th, May 2014
The Substation, SIngapore
Why then, Should we worry? (two)
The Substation, SIngapore
Why then, Should we worry? (two)

27th, December 2013
Independent Archive & Resource Center
As we live out lives
Independent Archive & Resource Center
As we live out lives

5th ,December 2013
The Substation, Singapore
Why then, Should we worry?
The Substation, Singapore
Why then, Should we worry?

6th, Novembe 2013
Artistry, Singapore
Artistry, Singapore
3rd, November, 2012
01100001 Beijing, Survival Theory Case
Live sound performance with moroccan instrument
31st, May, 2012
The Artists Village Artists-in-Residency, Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore
Live performance with video and Sarod
18th, May, 2012
Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak, The Substation, Singapore
Video and sound performance
6th, March,2012
Findars, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Electro acoustic performance
22nd, December, 2011
CAFÉ CARIDAD, Baguio City, Phillipine
“Art+Performance,” Perofrmance Art ‘Nails’ and artist talk
17th, December,2011
Fete dela WSK, Phillipine
at BLACKBIRD CAFÉ, CONCERT and Culminating Performance of “Tales from the Firewall"
19th, November, 2011
Future of Imagination 7, Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore
Performance Art collaborating with Kai Lam, Jason Lim & Kawai Shiu
24th, September,2011
Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak, White House, Emily Hill, Singapore
Electro-acoustic performance with Sarod
27th, August,2011
BKK Arthouse, Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, Thailand
“MiniMoves” exhibtion, artist’s talk and performance (in collaboration with Kai Lam) presented by Blur Borders.