Zentai 采访
This project is to interview artists/activists etc. and understand their background, philosophy and current projects.
I believe act of understanding can light up the light in myself.
This is unique interview project because I interview people in Zentai.
I believe act of understanding can light up the light in myself.
This is unique interview project because I interview people in Zentai.
[ サブチャンネルZentai采访を始めます! ]Starting new Youtube Subchannel. Explaining the future plan and what is the idea behind this new direction
アジアを読む文芸誌「オフショア」を作る山本佳奈子さんに話を聞いてみた(Zentai采访1)Kanako Yamamoto is a researcher and writer specialised for East Asian music. She has been publishing magazine called Offshore on the web. Recently she has changed her direction and decided to publish the magazine in paper format.