クアラルンプールへ行ったら素人の乱 というアーティスト集団のことを教えて貰った。
’素人の乱とは、ラジオとリサイクルショップと古着屋、呑み屋、定食屋、多目的雑貨店、ゲストハウスなどの名前です。東京高円寺南、新高円寺、阿佐ヶ谷、野方、西荻窪ほか。’ とホームページに書いてある。 マレーシアもシンガポールもデモ運動が出来ないから日本がとても良くみえるなあ。 I love this. I am scared to say this in front of an artist because they are very quick with critciism and says 'this is not that' and 'this is not this', but I quietly but confidently would like to say that this is a performance art. One of the best one and stronger one. But don't want to argue to convince.. The Beatles ever played in "public", on the roof of the Apple building in London-----until they were told to stop by the police. As this video shows, they remained an absolutely incredible live band until the very end. Here is the entire rooftop concert. No comment on my source.
With the great Billy Preston on keys. Set list: Get Back Don't Let Me Down I've Got a Feeling One After 909 (which John and Paul wrote as teenagers and had never recorded until this performance was included on the Get Back album) Dig a Pony |
June 2017
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