WAS I dreaming or was what I saw by the lake truly there?
I went to eat prata today. It was egg prata with spicy source. If I start to eat this egg prata everyday, I will start to enjoy it more. Should I engage in another fetishsim??
this is for 5d Most important time of the day is morning. How I can spend morning decides the day. It decides the whole month.
I am going to get steady merlin today. I went to see Shiv kumar sharrma and Hari prasad chaurasia's concert.tabla Vijay Ghate and Pakawaji Bhawani Shankar.\
zentai life style Such suits were first developed for use in modern dance, but are now used in the arts to diminish the presence of an actor in a scene. In fact, in the traditional Japanese art of puppetry called bunraku the apprentice performers are completely covered in black garments against a black background to produce the same effect. Zentai is also used by artists as a medium to accentuate the body, sometimes making use of vibrant patterns. By making the performer anonymous, the performance of the body itself becomes the focus.
In major cities worldwide (but especially in Japan), zentai suits are becoming an increasingly common sight as recreational wear for both men and women at a wide variety of events ranging from conventions to dance clubs, furthering the growing popularity of the subculture. Flesh tone cotton suits are often used by cosplayers to provide a base layer that looks like the cel-shaded skin of the animated character. When such zentai are worn under masks painted to resemble a character's drawn features, the total effect is called kigurumi. Animegao is a variant on this. In film and television special effects, solid-colored zentai suits are sometimes used to chroma-key or digitally remove actors from a scene. The suits are also finding a place as a useful tool for meditation. It can provide a medium for body awareness, a focus for meditation via the senses by allowing for both sensory deprivation as well as sensory enhancement, as well as a symbolic barrier between the self and the world. In other uses, multiple organizations including NASA have experimented with a skintight space suit to replace current air-pressurized designs (with a transparent dome helmet instead of a soft fabric hood). This design is tentatively named a space activity suit. With practical uses aside, zentai is also strongly associated with spandex fetishism. Some zentai fetishists are after the experience of total enclosure, while for others it provides a way to anonymously enjoy exhibitionism. One might also experience it as a form of sexual bondage, even though it does not restrict the motion of the body or even act as an effective blindfold. However, there are also those who enjoy zentai for the recreational sensory novelty or physical comfort without any sexual connotations. 『一二三の食べ方は一二三唱(十七)へながら噛むのざぞ、四十七回噛んでから呑むのざぞ、これが一二三の食べ方頂き方ざぞ。』
一二三(ひふみ)祝詞は“四十七文字(十一)”から構成されています。 同じく四十七回“合わせてカム”という意味です。 また噛む(カム)という行為は“上”と“下”の歯(ハ)を噛み合わせることであります(善く噛砕くという型の示唆。“行う(十、ワ)”コトは祈りであり道であり、“型”を作っている)。 『富士、火吐かぬ様おろがみて呉れよ、大難小難にまつりかへる様おろがみて呉れよ。食物(たべもの)頂く時はよくよく噛めと申してあろが、上の歯は火ざぞ、下の歯は水ざぞ。火と水と合すのざぞ。かむろぎかむろみぞ。噛むと力生れるぞ。血となるぞ、肉となるぞ。六月十七日、ひつ九のかみ。 水の巻 第十五帖』 上は動かず下(舌)が動く。 ここからも示唆しているのであります(霊主体従等)。 カムとは“カミ”からもきており、“火水(カミ)”を合わせるという意味でもあるのです(カムナガラ)。 そして呑み(のム)込み『ん(ン)』となる。 『天地(てんち)不二、神人合一。天(あめ)は地(つち)なり、地(つち)は天(あめ)なり、不二(ふじ)なり、アメツチなり、神は人なり、人は神なり、一体なり、神人なり。神、幽、現、を通じ、過、現、末、を一貫して神と人との大和合、霊界と現界との大和合をなし、現、幽、神、一体大和楽の光の国実現』
生命繋ぐこともできぬ。 人には知恵ありて火水を用い、文明文化発達させん。 なれど、火水は神なり。 人に傲りと油断あらば、火水は時に荒ぶらん。 人の力にて火水を完全に制することなどできぬものなり。 火水は神なりと心得、畏敬の念を以て扱うべけれ。 六根清浄大祓天照皇大神の宣わく人は即ち天下の神物なり 須く静め謐ことを掌るべし心は即ち神明の本主たり 我が心神を傷ましむること莫れ是の故に眼に諸の不浄を見て心に諸の不浄を見ず耳に諸の不浄を聞いて心に諸の不浄を聞かず鼻に諸の不浄を嗅いで心に諸の不浄を嗅がず口に諸の不浄を言いて心に諸の不浄を言わず身に諸の不浄を触れて心に諸の不浄を触れず意に諸の不浄を思うて心に諸の不浄を想わず此の時に清く潔き偈あり 諸の法は影と像の如し清く浄ければ仮にも穢るることなし 説を取らば得べからず皆花よりぞ木実とはなる我身は即ち六根清浄なり六根清浄なるが故に五臓の神君安寧なり五臓の神君安寧なるが故に天地の神と同根なり天地の神と同根なるが故に万物の霊と同体なり万物の霊と同体なるが故になす所の願として成就せずということなし
June 2017