I learned new word
-near continuous replication
-offsite replication
-admin web console in the cloud
-autoscalable to meet changing demands
-massive scalable and future-proof
I went to cloud expo today.
I learned new word -near continuous replication -offsite replication -admin web console in the cloud -autoscalable to meet changing demands -massive scalable and future-proof
The world is getting material oriented. People say the world would not last long if we continue to consume the way we do now. But I think we are not looking for a new invention that can save the world. I believe the key is to have less desires or identities. If we could live simple, there's much less things we require materially.
When I see group of people wearing zentai together, I can identify female or male but nothing more. And maybe this is enough. We could live just as male or female as we are playing too many roles in society, such as nationality, age, job, education, family..etc now. I think zentai can remind us that it is good to be ourselves that exists beyond the identities. To me the group of zentai people look like they are starting to marge each other as if it is one whole energy. The zentai not only takes away the identity but also the individuality. It is no longer 20 people standing together but one big energy standing. I think this is what we really are. We are not separate from each other. We are actually one energy. What makes us think different from other parson is the 'identity'. Identifying 'my' hair, 'my' skin, and 'my' thought which is making us complicated. わたしはシェアハウスに住んでいるのですが、家の管理人がガキを空けて部屋に入ってくる。
一回目はお金を取られた。 それで鍵を変えてさらに鍵を付け加えたら 二回目はそれを空けられてお金が少し戻ってた。 三回目の今日は階段におしっこの臭いがした。 犬を飼ってるからそれじゃないかと思う。 最悪でしょう。 むっちゃ恐いし気分が沈む。 シンガポールは最低でも20万円出さない限りシェアハウスなのです。 This was an event from yesterday.
There was artist talk and the demos. i think this zentai was little bit transparent.. I should loose more weight too. But I feel female always can understand the art aspect of zentai much more This is a photo by brian sergio.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/briansergio I believe this is one of the best zentai photo I ever seen. This type of photo is my taste! I am so glad that I started the zentai art festival. Other people can do very good work, just ask for it!! 今天是晴天。 むっちゃイライラする。
最近ゼンタイアートフェスティバルのオーガナイズで一時間も無駄に出来ない気分で色々やってる中フィリピンから写真を送ってくるはずのアーティストが、撮影の調子はどうと聞いてからなんにも音沙汰がない。 日本でもあるんだろうか。言ってる事に本当は意味が無い人。29日までに送るという言葉を言った事も忘れてる。 わたしは期日とか締め切りとかすっごい気になってクオリティーよりもまず期日を守らないといけないと思うから自分のコントロールの範囲以外の人のマイペースな行動に人生無駄にする。 だってまだこれから一週間くらい掛かって写真を現像してそれを送るのに撮影これからするって言い続けてフェースブックで凄い沢山関係ないことを投稿してるの見ると体の筋肉がこわばる。しんどい。日本で酢の物食べたい。 この本は寺山修司についてじゃないけれど思った以上におもしろかった。
伝説的な舞台音楽を作ったシーザーは、音楽を作るとき、もう音楽はそこに既に寺山修司の中にあって、それを寺山修司の言葉の中から拾っていくだけだと言う。 劇団に入る前は新宿の3大フーテンと呼ばれていて、凄くモテたこととか、寺山修司が死んだ47歳に人生を選んだとか面白い事がたくさんあった。 有名な漫画家とかびっくりする人達も在籍していた劇団は、入る前と後ではみんなの人生を変えてしまったらしい。 やめた後はみんな表現の場所を求めて色んな分野へ向かい、アダルトビデオの巨匠になった人もいる。 忙しいことを良いとした寺山修司だけど、負け犬というのも一番嫌って、そういう題名の本も出した。 寺山修司もシーザーも全てのエネルギーを劇団へ使い、生涯2部屋のアパート住まいらしい。 やはり突出した人とは価値観の中に生きている。 I am washing clothes now.
And I am going to take it out soon. And I will hang it very badly on the stair case in my room. It will drop from the handle after two days. I put it back. It will drop again after 5 days in the night. That is when I collect the dried and dusty clothes. I will separate them very badly, push into the drawer. But the drawer is half open because it is stuffed. And I would wear clothes that is easily accessed in the morning. The clothing's at the bottom of drawer is not going to have the sunshine for long time. Today was holiday but I don't feel relaxed.
I worry about the funding for the coming zentai art festival and I wake up early in the morning to work for this issue. Maybe this is the age, I am getting old, I cannot do things that is interesting and exciting any longer. I look for stable income and I want to be standard parson who provides 'standard opinion' in order to fit into the society to avoid any risk of obstacle. I used to feel board when my friend started to say standard opinions and started to dress concervtative. I used to hate my parents being conservative. I was looking into the changes. But now I am on the side who resists the changes. This is what i think about being not able to enjoy the rare holiday but to wake up early to do the work. When was the last time when I went out just to have fun. |
June 2017