Editing only takes 5 hours total but it is hard to do it after the work, after the concert or meetings.
I need to have a quiet day where I breath normal. And I find it difficult to even breath calm and focus.
I can find many reasons why I cannot find the time but when I cannot find the time, I am literally having no time. Not being connected to the inspirations and restlessness are state of business which is no time. Not living.
What is this life for if I cannot be connected to the inspiration and use this body as a vehicle for creation of greater things.
Working in the office effects me a lot. I feel my aura or energy gets eaten up and I need a lot of time alone doing meditation to get it back.
And doing the art festivals and the concert,etc.. It is hard to find this time.
I am thinking I should make my energy big so I can keep the energy in the office, not being effected by other people, but it doesn't work.
Meeting close friend also. When they are angry, I am effected and lose my energy.
How can I keep my energy where ever I am and be contained and connected to the inspirations?